We act for high net worth families who own and operate their own businesses. Family-owned businesses come with their own challenges which we have the experience of handling. Whether your matter involves handing over your business (or a part of it) to another generation, or you require us to resolve your dispute with a family member and/or you require us to provide you with a risk management solution; then rest assured, your matter will be handled with the utmost care.

We appreciate the sensitivity around working with and owning a business with your family members. We find that this often requires a delicate touch. We deliver well-balanced services which have regards for the fostering of your relationship with your co-owners/family members; this is whilst our advice and representation provides a robust solution for what your business in fact requires for it to be run efficiently.

Why us?

We can represent you in all your legal needs whether you are an individual within a family business or a family business requiring advice. Our services to family run businesses extend to;

  • mergers & acquisitions,
  • regulatory matters,
  • constructions,
  • dispute resolution,
  • unfair prejudice action under section 994 of the Companies Act 2006,
  • employment matters,
  • data theft,
  • fraud,
  • divorce,
  • de-merger,
  • tax; and
  • insolvency matters.

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