Fraud costs the UK economy just under £200 billion a year according to the latest publications. The current thriving cyber, commercial activities and the nature of the latest technologically advanced transactions has led to a rise in fraud too. If you are a victim of fraud, reacting quickly is vital.

Decisions made within the first 24 hours of discovery of a fraud will make the difference between success and failure.
On the flip side, when faced with allegations of fraud client’s status and reputation is immediately at risk.
As a leading litigation law firm, we consider your opponent’s first move very carefully. Your first response is critical, and carefully crafted advice must be obtained immediately. Failure to do so, may result in severe and irreparable damage to your case.

Why Us?

With a strong litigation background when and where possible we move to locate and freeze assets and preserve evidence which is critical to a successful fraud lawsuit.

As a law firm, we have close relationships with private investigators who work with us, counsel and clients to form a productive working relationship immediately – this assists us with the preparation of the case to give it the best chance of success.

If you need advice regarding fraud and/or how to prevent it from happening to you and/or your business then please click here to contact a member of our dedicated team today.

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