We appreciate that your reputation is your most important tool. We have the experience of working against those who trespass against you.

Whether you are a ‘little guy’ or a big corporation – the inappropriate use of social media, bully and false publication of articles and images of you could inflict a colossal financial injury and reputational damage to you and your business.

Whilst the current climate is grappling with the fake news broadcasters and those who unlawfully use the social media as a means of naming and shaming others, we fight on behalf of those who are affected by the false publications. We fight our clients’ corner and bring to justice those who provide a platform for the unlawful use of social media.

As soon as your information is picked up by the media, it can spread rapidly. An immediate response is crucial to minimise the potential damage to you and your business. We act swiftly and robustly. We can provide crisis management by way of court orders/an interim injunction to protect you and your reputation.

Why Us?

With one of the best litigation practices in the country, we stand above the rest. We advise on full range of issues, such as right to be forgotten, not to be harassed, not to be defamed, attacked or blackmailed online. our litigators punch back, punch hard but punch straight. With us in your corner, your opponent will have to think twice before refusing to comply.

If you need advice, click here here to contact us and a member of our dedicated team will be in touch today.

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