Our Privacy Notice

What do we mean by our privacy notice?

This privacy notice is a document that publishes the way that Zakery Khub Solicitors as a business, gathers, holds, communicates, and manages your information. It fulfils a legal requirement to protect your ‘right to privacy’ and our responsibilities as a business. It also governs the way we allow you to use our website.

You have the right to be informed about the collection and use of your personal information. This is a requirement of the data protection regulations and our privacy notice provides you with the information relating to how we lawfully use your information; the purpose for which we use your information; and the manner in which your information is controlled and remains secure, giving you an opportunity to review and object to how your information is being processed.

Zakery Khub Solicitors is the controller for the personal information which it processes, unless otherwise stated. Should you have any questions relating to the use of your information please contact us via [email protected]

At Zakery Khub Solicitors we aim to remain open about the information we are collecting about you, why It is needed, how it is being processed and who has access to it.

This notice provides you with all the information necessary to ensure that you retain the confidence that your personal information is protected from misuse and is being used and treated as you would expect.

This notice will cover the Information relating to Zakery Khub Solicitors, including how to contact us, our commitment to you, the information we hold about you, how we collect your information, who and why we sometimes share your information, how we use your information, how we protect your information, how long we keep your information and finally your right to privacy.

About Zakery Khub Solicitors

Zakery Khub Solicitors is a dependable commercial law firm. We deliver advice and strategic guidance on the full range of legal issues, from non-contentious advisory and transactional work, to all forms of commercial litigation.

We act as a trusted adviser to businesses, organisations and individuals within a wide range of specialist market sectors.

At Zakery Khub Solicitors we aim to oversee the privacy practices across the firm. We will act as the primary contact to the supervisory authorities, our governing bodies and you.

References in this notice to ‘Zakery Khub Solicitors’, ‘we’, ‘us’ or ‘our’ are references to Zakery Khub Solicitors Limited – a limited company registered in England and Wales under Company Registration number 11251217. Zakery Khub Solicitors is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulatory Authority (SRA) of England and Wales under SRA number 648155.

Zakery Khub Solicitors is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office under the registration number ZA454974.

Our commitment to you

Zakery Khub Solicitors is committed to:

• valuing the personal information entrusted to us and making sure we respect that trust;
• going further than just the law when it comes to handling personal information and adopting good practice standards. We always adopt what common sense dictates. We will be open with individuals about how we use their information and whom we share it with.
• considering and addressing the privacy risks first when we are planning to use or hold personal information in new ways.
• making it easy for individuals to access and correct their personal information.
• keeping personal information to the minimum necessary and deleting it when it’s no longer needed.

• having effective safeguards in place to make sure personal information is kept securely and does not fall into the wrong hands.
• providing training to staff who handle personal information and treating it as a disciplinary matter if they misuse or do not look after personal information properly.
• putting appropriate financial, technical and protective measures in place when looking after personal information to ensure that we can live up to our promises.
• regularly checking that we are living up to our promises and reporting on how we are doing.

The information we hold about you

Personal information is any information that relates to, or can be related back to you. This can include your name, contact details or any other information we gather as part of our relationship with you.

The information we hold can be categorised into several groups. We refer to these as ‘information categories’. These categories cover all the information requirements needed to provide you with the various products and services offered by Zakery Khub Solicitors, many of which may be applicable to you based on the contractual relationship you have with us.

These categories are:

• Who you are: such as name, age, identification or gender.
• Where you are: such as your home, work or email address.
• How you pay: such as your bank details and payment history.
• What you have: such as the products and services you have or had with us.
• Where you have been: such as information you have accessed, rooms/floors entered or websites visited.
• What you have accessed: such as system logs, IP addresses, networks accessed or CCTV images.
• What you need: such as your marketing preferences.
• Where you have worked: such as your CV, covering letter and references.
• What we require: such as health records, sexual orientation, religion and ethnicity. The collection and use of this information are subject to stricter controls and its use remains limited unless in the context of litigation.

On occasions, we may require information outside of the categories listed above. This information may relate to things such as: dietary requirements, if we are arranging catering for you; young children or vulnerable adults, for purposes such as inheritance tax, wills and probate; or political affiliations and political exposure (PEP or PEFP). Information requested of this nature will often require your consent; thus we will notify you of this at the relevant time before its collection or use. Zakery Khub Solicitors may also receive this type of information from a third party, upon which we may not have received direct consent from you but will have been provided with the necessary evidence from the third party on its lawful processing. This is classed as in-direct collection, which will be covered below.

How we collect your information

The majority of personal information we process is provided directly by you, for one of the processing activities we have listed herein above in the; ‘how we use your information section’. In addition to this, there are other multiple collection methods used by Zakery Khub Solicitors, which are dependant upon the types of services or information categories in question. These methods are:

• Zakery Khub Solicitors may collect information from public registers or from other freely available resources such as; Companies House, LinkedIn, job sites, directory listings, electoral databases, charities/law firm publications and general internet searches. Given its nature, Zakery Khub Solicitors cannot guarantee how the information contained on these public registers has been obtained or who has access to it – (Research collection)
• As we mentioned above, this method of collection applies when you are providing us with the information directly. This can be either; over the phone, in person, via our website surveys, or job applications, during an event whereby a business card or a signing in sheet is provided, or on a form or questionnaire and/or simply through postal or email communication responses (Direct collection).
• Zakery Khub Solicitors may collect information based on your access/browsing habits on platforms such as our portal(s) and website(s). More information on this can be found within our cookie policy. Additional information, such as; usernames and passwords, marketing preferences or system specifications may be captured – these are based solely on the types of products/services or interactions we have with you so may not always be relevant and as such will not be captured (Technical collection).
• Zakery Khub Solicitors may collect information based on interactions with other parties. This includes activities such as providing legal advice to our clients; recruitment; consultancy and expert advice; complaint/dispute resolution, ID checks and client on-boarding, our online landing pages and/or each of them, including our website administration (In-direct collection).
• This method relates to information collected to satisfy any legal or regulatory requirement such as; anti money laundering purposes, data incidents (breach notification), the prevention of criminal/fraudulent activity, HMRC matters, SRA codes of conduct issues, legal judgements or freedom of information requests. We may collect information about criminal convictions and offences, when it can be demonstrated that Zakery Khub Solicitors requires the information for legal or regulatory purposes, such as ‘background checking’ (Legal collection).

How we use your information

Zakery Khub Solicitors will only process (i.e. use) your information where we have a legal and proportionate basis to do so. This will be in accordance with our ‘commitments to you’ and our legal requirements.

The legal basis for ‘use’ will form at least one of the following categories:

Your consent: This basis is used when we have provided you with a choice on how your data is used and you agree and consent to how we can use your data as we have described for that specific purpose.

Your contract with us: This basis is used when we need your information to deliver the terms of our contract with you. Whilst your ‘right to privacy’ remains, information used for this purpose cannot be restricted or removed without the possibility of disrupting the contracted services you have with us. The impact of this may result in the failure to provide the agreed services or the subsequent cancellation of the contracted services.

Our legal obligation: This basis is used when Zakery Khub Solicitors must comply with a legal or regulatory obligation.

Our legitimate interests: This basis is used when Zakery Khub Solicitors feel it is within our own interests to use your information, in a lawful capacity by taking both your ‘right to privacy’ and the needs of the business (in delivering its services to you) into consideration. Unless we are entitled to exercise lien (i.e. a right to keep possession of property belonging to you until your debt owed to us is discharged), Zakery Khub Solicitors will never use your information when our own interests supersede your overall right to privacy or the legal basis for which we can process your information. If you have any concerns relating to how your information is used, please contact us immediately. Zakery Khub Solicitors may use your information on more than one legal basis, dependant on its expected or intended use. The descriptions below provide an overview of the types of information collected, their use and the legal basis it relies upon.

Direct marketing: Zakery Khub Solicitors will never send ‘direct marketing’ communications to you unless your subscriber preference allows it. You will be provided with a detailed selection of subscriber options either: (a) when you join Zakery Khub Solicitors as a client; (b) if you attend an event in which you agree to receive promotional materials and accept a follow up call from Zakery Khub Solicitors personnel or; (c) periodically throughout your contract with Zakery Khub Solicitors as part of our on-going maintenance of your subscriber preferences. We maintain a concise subscriber preference database covering all potential/active clients whose information we hold. This database contains the legal basis upon which, and the individual subscriber preferences upon which, all direct marketing communications are acted upon. Under no circumstances are mailings communicated or your information used outside of these purposes. Should activities be carried out in contradiction to this, we will classify this as an ‘incident’. Incidents may warrant supervisory notifications, the performance management of individuals, internal/external sanctions and/or corrective actions across Zakery Khub Solicitors’ departments. As such – all incidents are treated seriously and responded to swiftly taking our resources into account. We categorise the risks based on the severity of the incident and the possible risk(s) to you or other customers. Details of the incident may be communicated to you or be made public.

To unsubscribe from direct marketing communications, we provide several options; such as following the embedded links on any direct marketing mailing to access your subscription preferences; or by informing the marketing team directly at [email protected] Inform Zakery Khub Solicitors (see ‘contact us’ for further details).

If you accept and subscribe to direct marketing communications, the mailings sent to you will be designed/created by Zakery Khub Solicitors but its communication will be made by a third party undertaking marketing work for us. These third party marketing companies are expected to comply with our professional rules regarding marketing. They provide direct marketing solutions to Zakery Khub Solicitors and are required to meet the responsibilities as set out in this privacy notice and our terms of contract. You could also ask to view their Privacy policy.

Zakery Khub Solicitors, do not share, allow access to, or sell your information to third parties for additional marketing purposes, unless express consent is obtained from you.


Applications for all vacancies at Zakery Khub Solicitors are managed jointly by our internal recruitment team and by professional third party recruitment agencies who act on our behalf and in accordance with this privacy notice and your right to privacy.

Third party recruitment agencies will be expected to collect career details from you, as per our information category definition and these will be made available to both them and Zakery Khub Solicitors’ recruitment team, for the shortlisting, interviewing, vetting and on-boarding stages of the recruitment process.

Equal opportunities responses and other sensitive information (whilst voluntary), will not affect/impede your application. The same will not be made available outside of its permitted use. It will be used solely for the purposes and monitoring of equal opportunities statistics. Zakery Khub Solicitors will not share any information provided to any third parties for marketing related activities. We only use your information to update you as to the progress of the application and to assess your suitability for the role. We only capture the information required to progress an application. We process information only for as long as is necessary. As part of this activity, you may be asked to participate in an assessment day(s), complete a suitability/competency test(s), fulfil a personality questionnaire or attend an interview. Any information captured at this stage will be retained by Zakery Khub Solicitors and may contain handwritten notes, scores/ratings and/or, personal opinions.

If you are unsuccessful at any point during the application process, you will be asked if you’d like your details to be retained on file as part of our ‘talent pool’ for a period of six months. Individuals within our ‘talent pool’ will be provided with details of other vacancies deemed suitable. If you object, this information will be removed from our systems as requested.

Pre-employment checks will be carried out at any point prior to your interview and once a conditional offer of employment has been made. Zakery Khub Solicitors are required by law to ensure it can confirm the identity of its staff, including their right to work and to seek assurances as to their trustworthiness, qualifications, integrity and reliability. We are required to provide: proof of your identity, proof of your qualifications, DBS criminal check [your identifiers will be submitted to the disclosure and barring service], career history/references, health questionnaire responses, bank/payment details, emergency contact information and conflict of interest checks such as affiliations which are not consistent with the governing law of the UK.

Visits to our office

Visitors are commonplace at Zakery Khub Solicitors locations, including: clients, legal counsel, witnesses, external training providers, job applicants, suppliers, tradespeople and our regulators. If you are visiting our offices, upon arrival you will be given a visitors badge, which must be worn throughout your visit. We ask all visitors to sign in and out at reception for security and safety purposes.

You may be asked to show ID. However, this is for verification purposes only; Zakery Khub Solicitors will not record this information.

We have guest Wi-fi on site. If requested, you will be provided with the address and password. We record your device address and will automatically allocate you an IP address once logged in. We also log traffic information in the form of sites visited, duration and date sent/received.

You will not be asked to agree to any terms of use whilst using our Wi-fi facilities, as we take no responsibility for, nor have control over your use of the internet whilst you are in our office(s). We also do not require any information from you directly to use the Wi-fi services.

Authorities disclosures

Depending on the legal services provided to you and/or as instructed by you, Zakery Khub Solicitors may disclose your information to other third parties, persons or entities when providing legal advice or as part of litigation.

On occasions, Zakery Khub Solicitors may be required to disclose your information in the following events without your consent subject to our legal requirements or professional obligations. This is when disclosure has been requested by a court; a regulatory authority such as HMRC; law enforcement; a professional body such as the SRA or Bar Council. This may arise upon seeking professional advice such as court matters, financial audits or for insurance purposes. If acting on your behalf as part of on-going litigation proceedings, disclosure obligation is provided by the civil or criminal procedure rules. Disclosures of this nature meet the requirements which form the basis of ‘our legal obligations’ and are specified within the ‘how we use your information’ section of this notice. Where possible, personal information contained within these disclosures will be anonymised – unless its protections impact upon the accuracy/effectiveness of the request or misleads the court of law in a litigious matter.

Generally, all parties with whom your personal information has been disclosed will be subject to the following (where applicable): (a) the full terms of this privacy notice: (b) the legal requirements relating to both a data controller and/or processor: (c) the terms of your contract with Zakery Khub Solicitors: (d) all applicable professional codes of conduct.

Internet, Browser Cookies & Google Analytics

Our website collects and uses cookies to monitor performance and to improve your experience whilst visiting our website. To our knowledge, none of the cookies collect or store personally identifiable information. For more information relating to our use of cookies, please see our cookie policy.

Our website may use Google Analytics which allows us to analyse data to help us improve the experience of our website for visitors. Google Analytics uses cookies which generate information about your use of our site. These small files are transmitted to Google and the information contained in them is stored on their servers. To our knowledge this will not contain any personal information about you, other than your IP address which Google will not associate with any other data held by them. Your use of our website means that you consent to the use of this data for this purpose and if you have any concerns you should refer to Google’s own Advertising Privacy Notice https://www.google.com/privacy/ads/

Social media/contact

When you call Zakery Khub Solicitors our telephony systems will automatically collect and display your calling line identification (CLI) information. We use this information to help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our call handling.

We use transport layer security (TLS) to encrypt and protect email traffic. If your email service does not support TLS, you should be aware that any emails we send or receive may not be protected in transit.

We will also monitor any emails sent to us, including file attachments, for viruses or malicious software. Please be aware that you have a responsibility to ensure that any email you send is within the bounds of the law.

Protection of your information

We apply the highest standards of security when it comes to hosting and protecting your information. We have adopted policies and have technical measures in place to protect your personal data against unauthorised access, accidental loss, improper use and improper disclosure. All of our employees and any third parties that we engage to process your personal information, are obliged to respect the confidentiality of your information and thorough due-diligence checks are carried out. We do not sell, rent, distribute or otherwise make personal information commercially available to any third party, except as described in this policy or with your prior permission.

Zakery Khub Solicitors are continually improving the resilience, security and adaptability of our IT Infrastructure and as such, working towards the achievement and maintenance of best practice standards relating to information security and cyber essentials. All activities which require the use of your personal information, will be formally assessed for risk(s) relating both to the protection of your rights and freedoms to privacy, and the requirements of Zakery Khub Solicitors as a data controller. This risk management process will indicate any potential issues relating to the security, lawful handling or controls around the protection of your information. Only activities which are deemed to satisfy these requirements are in use across our systems.

How long Zakery Khub Solicitors keep your information.

Zakery Khub Solicitors will only use/store your information for as long as we are permitted to do so. Often this is based on the purpose upon which we collected the information in the first instance. However, there are a number of exceptions in which it may be kept for longer. These are; where legal obligations require us to keep the information for longer (or for a specified period); or until the expiry of any limitation period in relation to potential claims against Zakery Khub Solicitors; or until the expiry of any limitation period in relation to potential claims made by Zakery Khub Solicitors against you or as determined by a court or competent jurisdiction.

Zakery Khub Solicitors has a retention policy which ensures data is kept only for as long as it is needed and to satisfy all statutory or other legal obligations regarding the retention of such records. This information may vary from case to case and you can request it in relation to your information if you so wish . We will only retain your personal information for as long as is necessary to fulfil the purposes we collected it for. This includes for example the purposes of satisfying any legal, regulatory, accountancy or reporting requirements as part of a contract. To determine the appropriate retention period, Zakery Khub Solicitors will consider: the amount; its nature; its sensitivity; the potential risk of harm from unauthorised use or disclosure; the purposes for which it’s processed; whether we can achieve those purposes through other means, and (e) the applicable regulatory or legal requirements.

In some circumstances we may anonymise your personal information (so that it can no longer be associated with you); this can be for research or statistical purposes, in which case we may use this information indefinitely without further notice to you.

Your right to privacy & no fees to exercise your privacy rights

Zakery Khub Solicitors respects your right to privacy and will act in accordance with the latest privacy laws to ensure we meet our underlying commitment to you, as set out by this notice. Further information relating to your rights can be found on the Information Commissioners Office website. A link to the article can be found here.

In summary, you have the right to know how your Information is processed by Zakery Khub Solicitors; the right to obtain copies of the information Zakery Khub Solicitors holds (including how it’s processed and by whom); the right to correct any mistakes made to your information; the right to request that your information is deleted (in certain circumstances); the right to object if you feel your information is not being processed securely or lawfully; the right to restrict the use of your information in specific areas such as ‘marketing’ communications; and the right to know how decisions (which are or are not automated) are made.

Please contact us immediately should you wish to exert any of these rights.

No fees are due to exercise these rights, unless they are deemed to be excessive, spurious or repetitive, in which case we would contact you directly to discuss the matter further.

Contact Zakery Khub Solicitors

Zakery Khub Solicitors will receive emails for data protection enquires. If you would like further information relating to this privacy notice, or wish to log a complaint, report an incident, or request the information that we hold about you; or for any other data protection related query – please email us at: [email protected]

It is important that the information we hold about you remains accurate at all times. Please keep us informed should any of your details change using the email address above.

For general enquiries, please allow up to fourteen working days for a response.

You always have the option to raise all concerns directly with the Information Commissioners Office, whether you’ve raised the matter with Zakery Khub Solicitors already or not. This is your right.

Information requests & subject access request.

You have the right to access/request the information that Zakery Khub Solicitors holds about you. This is often referred to as subject access. You can make a subject access request in person, verbally or in writing. Subject access requests help you to understand how and why we are using your data and to check that it is being handled lawfully and is acceptable to you.

Unless we are entitled to exercise our lien on your file of papers, Zakery Khub Solicitors have 30 days to respond/fulfil your request. There is no fee for this service.

Information requests will be responded to within the regulatory guidelines, unless the complexity or volume of information requested impacts upon these timescales. In such cases, we will notify you directly to discuss completion dates.

Incidents & complaints

Incidents and/or complaints relating to Zakery Khub Solicitors’ use of controls around your personal information are taken very seriously and we encourage you to bring to our attention, anything which you feel is unfair, misleading or inappropriate.

An incident can be anything from, failure to notify you of an activity in which your data is being used, to the loss of personal information relating to you; the vulnerability or potential misuse of personal information relating to you; or unlawful access or damage to your personal information.

We have the responsibility to coordinate and ensure that each matter is brought to its sensible conclusion within a sensible timeframe and in accordance with the directions set out in this policy.

Zakery Khub Solicitors are required by law to inform the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) and other interested parties (i.e. police, SRA) – when an incident or complaint causes significant damage(s), upset or discomfort to you.

On occasion, we may need to request further information from you in order to confirm your identity, exercise your rights, or to ensure we possess the necessary information to investigate the matter in hand. Any and all information we capture at this stage will be treated in the same manner as set out from within this privacy notice. Notifications to the ICO or other interested parties may require further communication of your personal information. This information will only be used for the purposes of the notification in question and will not be processed by any other means. Anonymisation will be used when possible and/or when it is deemed suitable.

To ensure that we prevent repeated incidents involving personal information, extracts from incidents or complaints raised will be used as case studies to strengthen corrective actions and build a better privacy practices for the firm. These case studies contain no personal information and any references to individuals will be removed. Phrases such as ‘customer’, ‘client’ or ‘employee’ will be used as substitutes and as appropriate.

Privacy update

This privacy notice was first published on Wednesday 01/08/2018 and it is aligned to the latest legal requirements of GDPR regarding the processing of personal data and on the movement of such data. This notice is maintained by Zakery Khub Solicitors and is subject to a periodic review.